How to Prepare

Longhorn beef is best served medium rare or rare due to its low fat content.


Cooking Tips

Longhorn beef has a low-fat content so cooks much quicker than other meats of similar style. Fat acts as an insulator that the heat must penetrate before it begins to cook the meat. Therefore, the less fat, the quicker the cooking time!

To really showcase what this meat has to offer, medium rare or light pink is the most that we would recommend cooking it to. Trying it a little bit rarer than you are used to will deliver you some excellent results that we’re sure you’ll be pleasantly surprised by.

There is not much shrinkage when cooking because longhorn is so lean. You’ll find that the cooked size is close to the same size raw and it contains just enough fat to allow it to cook to perfection without the need to add any additional fat when cooking.